[VIDEO] – Sonny Hostin just won the award for the most ludicrous analysis of Joe Biden’s presidency ever…

Joe Biden went on The View today for a ‘live’ interview and now the leftists over there can’t stop gushing about him. It’s so bad it might just make you gag.

Seriously, check out this absurd statement made by fake Catholic Sonny Hostin after Joe left:

She’s literally comparing Biden’s legacy to that of George Washington. That is the most asinine analysis I’ve ever heard about Joe Biden, who literally used his power and position to make millions upon millions of dollars. He sold his own influence to the highest bidder, ruining the lives of good people while helping wholly corrupt oil and gas companies get out from under the thumb of legitimate government investigations.

Hostin claims Biden put his ego aside? What country is she living in??? Unlike George Washington, who didn’t want to be president, Joe Biden has been running for president his entire life. He’s told nothing but lies upon lies to try and convince the people to put him in the White House and then in this last election he had to cheat just to win.

Seriously the list of corruption from Biden goes on and on, whether it’s getting American soldiers killed because of his horrible plan to get out of Afghanistan or forcing good people to get fired because they wouldn’t get a questionable vaccine.

Joe Biden’s ego is front and center in the Oval Office and to suggest otherwise is nothing but propaganda or hackish revisionism.

By Melinda Davies
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