MSNBC guest argues Elon Musk needs to be prosecuted because he won’t shut up about supporting Trump

I don’t know where MSNBC digs up these fools but they brought on this leftist who argues that Elon Musk needs to be prosecuted because he won’t shut up about supporting Trump.

To be clear, the guest never mentions Trump per se. But the entire segment is predicated on so-called election misinformation that Musk is putting out there on X and the guest, Roger McNamee, feels that Musk’s freedom of speech needs to be moderated in the name of national security because he’s a government contractor running strategic defense and aerospace projects.

Roger McNamee suggests that Musk is undermining the federal government, who pays him as a government contractor, and that “somewhere in there is a legal case that needs to be prosecuted.”

Exactly where in the Constitution does it say that the 1st Amendment doesn’t apply to federal government contractors? These people are lunatics.

But the super obvious point about this is that none of these loons would have any problem with Musk if he were supporting Kamala. They only hate him because of his endorsement of Trump and now this windbag thinks Musk should be prosecuted for it. There’s not a serious court in the land that wouldn’t throw out such a lawsuit in a nanosecond.

By Melinda Davies
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