UN Demands Meat Consumption Ban to ‘Fight World Hunger’

The globalist United Nations (UN) is calling for a worldwide ban on the consumption of meat and dairy products in order to supposedly “fight world hunger.”

The UN argues that members of the general public are “destroying the planet” with “climate change” by eating meat.

Therefore, the organization argues that the continued consumption of meat will trigger world hunger caused by “global boiling.”

The UN now insists that manning meat is necessary to prevent of global “climate crisis-induced” famine.

The demand was made in a “road map” for governments United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

The FOA has provided governments with a road map to reduce meat consumption with a deadline for outright bans.

According to the FAO plan, all members of the public, aside from “high-income individuals,” must reduce meat consumption and replace it with “alternative” proteins.

Those “alternatives” include lab-grown meat, insect-based products, and plant-derived foods.

The FOA has already unleashed its plan in Northern Ireland, where it is massively impacting beef farming.

Slaughtering cows at a younger age will reduce the “carbon emissions” they are responsible for, or so climate change alarmists claim.

The reality is, by slaughtering cows at a younger age and governments paying farmers to do so, the climate change cultists are simultaneously:

  • reducing the amount of beef on the market (as younger cows have less meat) and so potentially causing the price of beef to rise (effectively, the consumer pays twice – once through government subsidies and a second time through high beef prices);
  • making farmers dependent on government handouts (which can be withdrawn at a future date); and,
  • expanding a government-controlled agriculture system.

Where is the Northern Irish government getting the idea to use cows and climate change as an excuse for reducing and taking control of the food supply?  The United Nations.

On 10 December 2023, FAO published a roadmap of its multi-year plan to achieve its “global commitment to transform agrifood systems.”

The roadmap is FAO’s “three-year journey encapsulated in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP) 28, COP 29 and COP 30.”

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To eliminate chronic hunger, FAO aims to cut greenhouse gases by targeting livestock farming, which it has demonized as “responsible directly for 26 percent of agri-food system [greenhouse gas] emissions.”

Predictably, climate change cultists want to go further.

That is how it is with dictators – give them an inch and they take a mile.

Yesterday, Globalist media outlet Devex publicized that critics have questioned the FAO report’s “thoroughness and omission of recommendations to reduce meat consumption.”

In the same newsletter dated 31 May, Devex highlighted “transforming food systems with data-driven solutions.”

This is technocracy where data – not experience, knowledge, or skills – provides the foundation for decision-making.

The use of physicist Neil Ferguson’s data modeling at the beginning of the covid era – one of the greatest scientific “failures” of modern human history –  proves the specious reliance on data for decision-making.

But technocrats are not going to let glitches such as the dishonest manipulation and use of data get in their way.

The following is a reproduction of the two sections mentioned above from Devex’s newsletter (emphases theirs) to indicate how far these cultists are willing to go.

Trust us, they are only just getting started.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation has put together a mini agrifood road map to combat hunger and climate change.

But it drew loud criticisms – and it’s unclear if those will be addressed when the full report is released.

Also in today’s edition: We look at the biomolecular makeup of the world’s food supply and …

Falling FAO-L of climate

Designing a plan to end world hunger while keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius was always going to be a monumental challenge.

Last year at the COP 28 United Nations climate conference in Dubai, the Food and Agriculture Organisation unveiled a preliminary road map – an ‘in brief’ – to tackle this ambitious goal.

Taking a comprehensive global perspective, the report presents 120 actions across 10 domains – including livestock, crops, fisheries, aquaculture and food loss and waste – aimed at achieving these twin objectives.

But despite the proactive approach, some critics question the report’s thoroughness, writes Devex contributor Andrew Green.

They argue that FAO’s emphasis on improving livestock production efficiency may overlook the holistic principles of One Health, which considers the interconnected health of humans, animals, and ecosystems.

They are particularly troubled by the absence of recommendations to reduce meat consumption in high-income countries or to increase the use of alternative proteins, crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the agri-food sector.

As anticipation builds ahead of the report’s expected release next month, pressure also mounts on FAO to address these critiques and provide clearer pathways for implementing the proposed actions.

The in brief “helped us to see the direction of travel, but our investor members as well as many others are waiting for many of those concrete pathways forward,” says Keenya Hofmaier of the FAIRR Initiative.

Decoding dinner

It’s not the only ambitious project in food systems. Through the Periodic Table of Food Initiative, scientists are analyzing the composition of food to address the world’s most pressing challenges.

By creating a database of food compounds – and digging into the biomolecular composition of at least 500 foods – the $30 million project hopes to provide data-driven solutions to transform food systems and unlock further understanding on nutrition, Devex contributor Helen Morgan writes.

“The target is to be able to draw that whole line from planetary to human health and say [that] when we grow our food better, we actually make food that’s better for people,” says John de la Parra, director of global food portfolio at the Rockefeller Foundation, which spearheaded the project.

The foundation suggests that as food biomolecules are identified and better understood, doctors will be able to prevent or resolve illnesses – for example, by advising patients on the best diet for their individual nutritional or health needs.

By Hunter Fielding
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4 months ago

Those “world” agencies are trying to dictate how we live our lives and it will be they who will be “dissolved” if they keep it up. No one has the right to order our producers to bow to their dictates nor how we live, what we eat. In fact, every member of the WEF, the UN and any other “initialed” agencies needs to be arrested, convicted and removed permanently.

4 months ago

The UN is no longer a friend…if they ever were.
Evict them from New York, and STOP FINANCING THEM!

4 months ago

The U.N serves no purpose but to enrage people with their stupid idiotic assanine vomit, and they actually think that they are important to this planet.

4 months ago

1Ti 4:3  forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 

It is just one more sign that the Bible is from God who told us these things before they happen so that people would believe in Him. The words written thousands of years ago by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit are coming to life right before our eyes.

4 months ago

This is the most INSANE idea I have heard] in over 85 years. This whole idea of global warming has been debunked many times over by REAL SCIENTISTS, not those paid to write a report o meet a funder’s ignorant objective. CO2 is a very small portion of atmosphere gases. When we have higher CO2 levels plant life flourishes and when they lower (in ice ages) there is less food. You need nothing more than a 9th-grade science lesson to know that vegetation needs CO2 and water to thrive AND to manufacture oxygen, both of which humans and animals need to live. Once again the depopulation loons are strategizing to KILL humans. just look at all the pollution these idiots are generating flying around the world to gather to make ignorant statements. I wish they would show us how to decrease pollution by having a giant meeting where group suicide would be the objective!

4 months ago

If India ate Beef that would help!

4 months ago

Are these fruitcakes ever going to get this story straight??? He is a moron if he thinks that is anywhere near A CLIMATE CHANGE. 1. tHERE LIBS HAVE NO0 IDEA ON HOW TO KEEP A STORY STRAIGHT. 2. BILL GATES MADE A PUBLIC ANOUCEMENT STATING THAT CLIMATE CHANGE WAS A FABRICATED STORY.

Last edited 4 months ago by JohnnyB
Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
4 months ago

Banning meat and dairy is NOT going to help farmers or anyone else. Herd animals grazing naturally help condition the soil; cows are herd animals. They are also the BEST, indeed only source of certain essential amino acids we CANNOT assimilate from plant sources! That’s just another way to kill us off!

4 months ago

Fuck this intrusion on my Freedom.No world government and no dictates from any foreign government. This is Un America the rest of the world can continue population explosion but no help from me EVER!

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