American Votes END Mark Zuckerberg’s Secret Scheme

On Tuesday night, Wisconsin voters made a significant decision by approving an amendment that prohibits the private funding of elections in the swing state. The amendment clearly states that any form of donations or grants cannot be utilized in connection with the organization and execution of primaries, elections, or referendums. The Wisconsin State Legislature provided this phrasing for the question, and the Associated Press election results revealed that the ballot question received a majority vote of 54.4 percent in favor and 45.6 percent against.

In addition to this, Wisconsinites also expressed their support for a second part of the amendment, which was presented as the second ballot question. This part mandates that only election officials designated by law are authorized to carry out tasks related to the conduct of primaries, elections, and referendums. The majority of voters, 58.6 percent, voted in favor of this provision.

These votes hold significance as they come four years after the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) provided over $10 million in grants for the 2020 election in Wisconsin, as reported by the Capital Research Center. It was previously reported that Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions in key elections with the sole purpose of increasing the number of votes Democrats received during the 202 election.

The state of Wisconsin voted for President Joe Biden in the presidential election of that year by a narrow margin of 20,682 votes. In 2021, there was a chance to prohibit private funding of elections in the state, but Governor Tony Evers (D-WI) vetoed a bill passed by the state legislature that aimed to do so. At a rally in Green Bay on Wednesday evening, former President Donald Trump urged voters to support the ballot questions to “ban Zuckerbucks” while the polls were still open. Republicans were pleased with the results.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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6 months ago

About time… An arrow has hit the elites. Carry on.

6 months ago

As long as we maintain our political system where money is everything, we will continue to be ruled (and owned) by billionaires!

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