2700 Doctors & Scientists Demand Covid Shot Ban amid Soaring Deaths

Thousands of doctors, scientists, academics, and health care professionals have signed an accord demanding the “immediate” ban of Covid mRNA shots amid a global epidemic of soaring sudden deaths among the vaccinated.

The Hope Accord is moving forward after cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra tweeted a video of himself explaining that almost 2700 doctors, scientists, and academics have thus far signed the document, which calls for the immediate suspension of all mRNA jabs.

In order for health professionals to reclaim any semblance of medical ethics and set the record straight that mRNA technology is dangerous an unsuitable for use in medicine, Dr. Malhotra is urging everyone who cares, including our readers, to sign the Hope Accord.

“In 2015, the editor-in-chief of The Lancet, Richard Horton, wrote a chilling commentary in which he claimed that possibly half of all the medical literature may simply be untrue,” Dr. Malhotra says in the video below.

“He wrote that science had taken a turn towards darkness.

“And now it’s a question of who is going to take the first step to clean up the system.”

“The COVID pandemic has revealed a microcosm of the corporate capture of medicine and public health by powerful vested interests in the form of Big Pharma in particular.

“This is an industry whose business model is one of fraud.

“And sadly, we have seen the greatest failings of the system with the rollout of an mRNA product that has likely contributed to deaths and serious harm to millions of people around the globe.”

Dr. Malhotra believes that now is the time to take the next step to clean up the medical system.

And the best way for ordinary folks to do this, he says, is to sign the Hope Accord “which calls for the complete suspension of these products but also calls on reclaiming medical ethics.”

“It’s time to act,” he pleads.

“Please sign this petition and this accord and we can take things further to really genuinely clean up the system.”


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A number of elected officials are also joining the call for the medical system to be cleaned up starting with the immediate removal of all COVID-19 “vaccines” to be pulled from the market for the safety of the public.

Americans for Health Freedom (AHF) says that as of June 25, 2024, 191 politicians, 96 candidates, one surgeon general, one entire state Republican party, one state congressional district, 17 Republican party county committees, and seven physician organizations have all pledged to call for all COVID injections to be banned immediately.

All of the above entities have also pledged not to take any more donations from the pharmaceutical industry.

A complete list of all of them is available at AmericansForHealthFreedom.org.

“I am honored to be standing alongside my respected colleague, Dr. Malhotra in calling for the restoration of medical ethics,” tweeted Dr. Ayiesha Malik, who describes herself on X as “a compassionate GP and integrative doctor.”

“We won’t let history repeat itself.

“We will stand together and bring hope to the future.”

One perhaps major setback is that the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) just took control of the United Kingdom.

The WEF infiltrated the nation’s government on Independence Day for the United States, no less, with the installment of Keir Starmer as England’s new prime minister.

By Hunter Fielding
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Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
6 months ago

Better late, than never I suppose, but there should be a couple more zeros on that number!

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