Exposing Fauci’s Inaccurate Vaccine Claims, Examining Government’s Bird Flu Concerns, and Analyzing Motives of Global Elites (VIDEO)

In this article by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, the author discusses several controversial topics related to COVID-19 and the government’s response to the pandemic. The author highlights a video segment from One America News with Alison Steinberg, where she challenges Dr. Fauci’s claims about COVID-19 vaccines. According to Steinberg, Fauci falsely claimed that people declining the vaccine were doing so based on political ideology. The author argues that vaccines are not as effective as claimed and that no valid study has shown they reduce hospitalization and death.

Steinberg also raises concerns about the government-driven bird flu crisis, which the author believes is fueled by mass PCR testing and lacks proper examination and documentation of animal deaths. The author criticizes the biosecurity measures implemented in response to avian influenza, such as unnecessary culling of healthy animals and continued mass PCR testing.

Lastly, Steinberg focuses on the intentions of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, highlighting the importance of paying attention to the aspirations of prominent leaders within the industry. The author encourages readers to subscribe to “Courageous Discourse” to support their work and receive more truthful information.

Overall, this article challenges mainstream narratives surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, the bird flu crisis, and the intentions of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. It presents an alternative perspective on these topics, urging readers to question the information they receive from mainstream media sources.

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By Kate Stephenson
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